TGF β_1 expression detected by immunohistochemistry in periapical lesion in rats 免疫组织化学方法测定TGF-β1在鼠根尖周炎中的表达
Expression of nuclear transcription factor-κ B mRNA in experimental Periapical lesion in the rat 核转录因子κbmRNA在实验性根尖周炎中的表达
The expressions of IL-1 α and TNF-α mRNA in periapical lesion were detected by methods of in situ hybridization, and semi-quantified analyzed compared with control group. 用原位杂交技术,测定免疫抑制鼠根尖周炎组织中IL1α和TNFαmRNA表达,并对其进行半定量分析,与免疫正常组进行比较。
When the apical foramen is destroyed or not fully closed, sodium hypochlorite solution can overflow it, damage periapical tissue and affect the healing of periapical lesion. 次氯酸钠溶液有组织溶解性,应用于根尖孔已破坏或尚未完全形成的牙齿时,易刺激根尖周组织,影响根尖周病变的愈合。